Thursday, May 19, 2011

Farewell, Éire!

As I sit here sipping my last pint of Bulmer's Irish Cider ever, I can barely comprehend that I will be leaving Ireland in five hours. Like everyone has said regarding their study-abroad experience, time simply flew by. It's hard to believe that I'm completely done with school until fall quarter. My Literature and Modern Ireland & Contemporary Irish Writing exams went splendidly, but I can't help but feel a little heartbroken that school is over, because this means my time in this wonderful country has come to an end. However corny this may appear, I decided to compile a list of all the great things I will truly miss about this place. Here goes...

I will miss...

...the homeless Irish drunkards who hang out on the corner of Copley Street well as their corpulent sheepdog who snoozes on the concrete, eats out of chip bags, and drinks puddles all day long

...the lady at the coffee house who gives me free cups of coffee at 8am when I figure out in a sleepy stupor I've forgotten my wallet again (oh yes, this has happened more than once)

....Step dancing lessons and my fellow dancers

....An brog. Drunken shenanigans. Self explanatory.

....Critiquing advertisements, deep conversations, and ruminations on life (general bonding) while watching Irish television with Dan

...nightly Dexter gatherings

....being able to get a beer at noon anywhere

...sleeping in until noon six out of seven days of the week

....learning to cook, thereby shedding my destined role as a "spinster" (-Dan)

....not having midterms

....not working

....a.k.a the ease of the Irish college educational system

....playing French drinking games with Toumtam

...conversing with Fergel, the most awesome of all bartenders, at The Corner House (the pub we have deemed our own)

...the manageable size of this lovely city

...fiddle music floating through the apartment every day

....being bundled up at all times

....blending in for once with my ghostly white skin

...learning about Irish literature from the experts

...reading Irish literature, while drinking stout, while surrounded by Irish accents, thereby feeling very Irish all of the time

....being gratefully interrupted by Rebecca with her guitar to be serenaded with Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Crosby, Stills & Nash, and The White Stripes tunes.

...dessert every night!

...Irish musicians playing live Irish traditional music, and being able to say that my flatmate can play along with them

...hiking all around southern Ireland with Kasey, Britt, and Laura

...innapropriate, yet strangely liberating conversations with Kasey and Dan

....being able to get anywhere within the country in six hours on Bus Eireann

...The English Market making my mouth water on the daily

...Tesco vodka (riiighhtt...)

...taking weekend trips to Dublin and being doted upon by mama bear Nicole

....above all...the people who have become my family in this wonderful place: Dan, Toumtam, Rebecca, Kasey, and JQ

So, farewell Éire, and ciao to my next big adventure: Florence! This summer will entail an epic trip to Amsterdam and touring all around Italy, including Sicily, Capri, and Cinque Terre. In my heart, this blog will always remain dedicated to my experiences in Ireland, but who knows, I might feature a couple more posts this summer, so stayed tuned!

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